How to setup Appointment & Walk In POS

After you create a little interest in your appointment setting scripts, simply go for the close by scheduling the appointment.

Step 1Menu -> Settings -> Appointment & Walk-In

Menu -> Settings -> Schedule

The window will be displayed below:

Appointment & Walk-In

Explain are fields:

  • Schedule Appointment
    • Store Hours 
      • From hour:  The time number start of work salon
      • To hour: The time number close salon
      • Step: Define minute in the row schedule calendar
      • Timeslot: Number record in columns schedule calendar
    • Schedule background
      • New: Is the background color for the event is New
      • Processing: Is the background color for the event is Processing
      • Recurring:  Is the background color for the event is Recurring
      • Cancel: Is the background color for the event is Cancel
      • Done: Is the background color for the event is Done(completed)
    • Google Calendar
      • Google Calendar ID: Please enter your google calendar id (Note: Set action calendar is public)
  • Walk-In
    • File Background: The background for the screen customer walk-in list
    • Show quick services: Enable display of services' screen customer walk-in
    • Show avatar employee: Enable display of avatar employee screen customer walk-in
    • Show amount employee income: Enable display of amount income screen customer walk-in
    • Message Welcome:  Define message introduction screen customer walk-in
    • Message Success: Define message register completed screen customer walk-in

- After changing the value and then clicking Save Change it is done.