Check in/out report

We can view the summary statistics of the employee’s working time at the “Check-In/Out” in the Report section

Once we install eSpa247 POS software, we can view the summary statistics of the employee’s working time at the “Check-In/Out” in the Report section. 

Check In-Out in Report Section

In order to search for Check-In/Out Report, we have to select the information “employee”, “Quick Time” and click “Search”.

Fill in the formations and click Search

In order to create a new Check-In/Out report, click “Add”.

Click Add

When the window appears, enter the information about “Employe”, “Date”, “Check-In/Out Detail” and click “save changes”.

Click Save changes

For details, at the section “Quick Time, select “Other” for the information “From”,“To”. When searching for Check-In/Out Report, select the information “Employee” ,“Quick Time_Other”, “From” “To” and click “Search”. 

Fill in the information and click Search

The section Check-In/Out Report shows the information about “Date work”, “Employee”, “Time in”, “Time out”, “Work time(h)”, and “Actions”.

The informations of Check-In/Out Report

Instructions for registration activities of the customer at the store on PCNails POS

The action of customers