Membership on Customers

Loyalty programs on eSpa247 POS drive customers to make recurring purchases, and they bring you an opportunity to enhance customer relationships.

Memberships: We can give reward points for customers' visits.

Choose Membership in the customer section

In order to create a new Membership, click “New Membership”.

Click New Membership

After the window “New Membership” appears, fill in the form with the information about “Membership Code,” “$ or % Discount,” “Type,” “Date start,” Date end,” “Location Salon,” turn on “Enable” and click “Save changes.”

  • Membership Code: Serial number code
  • $ or % Discount: Discount value amount
  • Type: Amount or percentage of the discounted
  • Date start: The beginning date apply code
  • Date end: The ending date apply code
  • Location Salon: Where does salon location apply?
Fill in totally information and click save

In order to search for Memberships via the toolbar and the filter, select the information “Membership Code”, “Salon”, “Type”, “Calculation Point”, “Status” and click “Search”.

  • Calculation Point: accumulated points
The form of Memberships

The section Memberships shows the information about “Membership Code”, “Amount”,Status”, “Calculation Point”, “Created At”, and “Actions”.

The table shows all membership

Get started "Action"

The actions can be used: Edit, Delete