How to start customer Check-In & TV

Customer check-in is a product used to manage customers coming to the store in chronological order and is allocated to each employee according to the customer's wishes

Step: (Left Menu) => Check-In => Customer Check-In

Dashboard customer Check-In

- Then, we will see the customer check-in showing different sections:

  • Sort employees by vertical columns
  • Show customer name and service name
  • Show detailed appointment(Customer Check-In)
  • Action processing working with Check-In

- Processing

  • Manager ==> Validate detail appointment => Start (Employee working with appointment) => Sale (POS) => Done (Completed)
  • Customer ==> View processing (TV) => Status (Appointment) => Payment => Completed

More detail under photos

Click to Start
Click on Sale (POS) and completed.
Other way completed

- Customers can be tracked with a television screen display below:

Television display

- Customer fill data from Customer Check-In Desk

Customer Check-In desk

Note: The customer can check in a mobile application (Salons 24h) as QR-Code

  • Customers can book staff
  • Customers can book your service
  • Customer check-in as QR Code

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